浏览次数: 1662
目前年产量达960吨, 3000多品种,生产工艺从精铸到数控加工形成独特的一条龙服务,为广大客户提供完整的需求和便利。机械加工能力不断提升,除配备传统加工设备外,还配置了进口数控加工设备27台,其中CNC加工中心3台,立、卧CNC车床24台,这些设备配置好、精度高,有效保证了产品加工的特别要求。为了保证产品质量和客户提供放心服务,在整个制程中配备了:光谱材质分析仪、盐雾试验机、三次元测量仪、二次元投影仪、二次元高度仪、硬度机、X射线探伤仪、动平衡测量仪等检验设备。
Shanghai Ideal precision casting company ltd was established by Taiwan chianchu industrial company in 1993. The marine hardware parts were the major products in the beginning, then start the silica sol wax-lost precision casting in the next year with the materials of SS304, SS304L, SS316, SS316L etc. Slowly the business is expanding to the service of construction, machinery parts, medical apparatus & instruments, tools, pumps, propellers and even the flow meters. Shanghai Ideal never stop to innovate on the new ways and technologies of making more new products which totally meet the national, American, European standard. The high quality of the products and service gain much reputation and trust from the professional, international, well-known customers and Shanghai Ideal becomes their stable, long-term supplier.